Thursday, January 15, 2009

Quiches y Tartaletas or Whole Food Soul Food

Quiches y Tartaletas

Author: Almudena Frutos Velasco

Revealing all the culinary tips and tricks for technique and preparation, this series fosters creativity and skill in the kitchen while preparing something simple, light, and fast or a more sophisticated, special-occasion dish. Instructions appear in a step-by-step format and a glossary of specific terminology is also included.

Revelando los trucos y los secretos de las técnicas y preparaciones culinarias, esta colección fomenta la creatividad en la cocina. Desde platos fáciles de preparar, ligeros y rápidos hasta versiones más sofisticadas para ocasiones más festivas, estas guías incluyen extraordinarias fotografías e instrucciones paso a paso, así como un glosario de terminología específica.

Go to: Power Yoga for Dummies or Why Stomach Acid Is Good for You

Whole Food, Soul Food: Finger Lickin' Way to Fight the Fat

Author: Donna A Smith

The author maintains these recipes are the best "Finger Lickin Way to Fight the Fat". Discover soul food that is truly good for the soul yet still captures the essence of family traditions that have always embraced good eating. Rich Egg Nog, Orange Julius, Seasoned Fried Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes Fries, Big Mama's Blueberry Muffins, Southern-Style Collard Greens, Porgy's Black-Eyed Peas, and Big Daddy's Sausage and Beans are just a few of the recipes to enjoy as you lose weight at the same time. These delicious, down-home, plant-based meals are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber and can prevent the onset of disease and boost your immune system toward optimal health. With Whole Food, Soul Food, you can have your cake and eat it too!

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